How to use it?[edit source]
Firstly, what is IsTalking ()?[edit source]
This is True when the Actor is speaking their lines - regardless of whether the Dialogue Menu is open or close. It could also work on ObjectReferences, but I am not sure.
Instructions on how to use it[edit source]
Attach a Script to a Magic Effect that captures this the value of this Condition.[edit source]
Usual Papyrus only method[edit source]
Scriptname myMagicEffectIsTalking extends activemagiceffect
MyMainQuestS Property myMainQuest Auto
Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
myMainQuest.addToTalkingActorsList (akTarget)
Event Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
myMainQuest.removeFromTalkingActorsList (akTarget)
OR with SKSE's SendModEvent ()[edit source]
Scriptname myMagicEffectIsTalking extends activemagiceffect
Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
;send it from the target - not this Magic Effect
akTarget.SendModEvent ("talkingEvent", "started")
Event Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
akTarget.SendModEvent ("talkingEvent", "finished")
Then elsewhere:
Function onGameLoad ()
;register for mod event needs to be registered at every game load because SKSE registrations do not stick in your save game.
RegisterForModEvent ("talkingEvent", "OnTalking")
EndFunction ()
Event OnTalking (string eventName, string strArg, float numArg, Form sender)
If eventName == "talkingEvent"
If strArg == "started"
Debug.Notification (sender + " is talking")
ElseIf strArg == "finished"
Debug.Notification (sender + " is finished talking")
Add it to an Ability Spell with the IsTalking Condition.[edit source]
Make sure that you also add a Condition for a GlobalVariable that is specific to your mod. This is a fail-safe fro when the user needs to uncleanly uninstall and deactivate the mod. The Ability Spell doesn't stick - because the condition for the GlobalVariable becomes false. This fail-safe is described in Thanatos00's post in my Compatibiliy thread in Bethesda's forums
Add that Spell to an Alias or Actor. I think this will also work on a "talking" Activator.[edit source]
This method is described in my previous post, Passing Conditions to Papyrus:
--Kuertee (talk) 2013-07-16T07:56:00 (EDT)