Talk:Actor Value
Hi does anybody know how to edit any of the actor values permanently for instance the healrates and healratemult. I basically want to edit the way that you heal. I can do it with console commands but was hoping the the Ce would allow a more permanent solution?
- You edit each race's specific stats as seen here [[1]] or you could create spells with the fortifications you want and give them to yourself with player.addspell Fowl 18:55, 8 February 2012 (EST)
--:I really want to reduce the healing to 0 and have food play the part of activating the healing so I have set the base values low but need to edit the multiplier which is effected by fortications to 0. Because if you set the base to 0 then no amount of fortification will work it will just multiply by 0 = 0. I could do it with a script on a perk that you start with and have them hidden but that seems cumbersome it would be much easier if I could just edit the Actor Values healratemult and staminaratemult to 0 each.--Chrisbburn 07:37, 10 February 2012 (EST)
Is it possible to add new skills? I have attempted creating new Actor Values, but Script Name, Type, etc. seem uneditable.
What value determines how many unchosen perks the player has? I cannot find a variable for it or anything.
Where are the entries for rightitemcharge and leftitemcharge, for the charge on the currently equipped weapon or staff? equippeditemcharge and equippedstaffcharge don't seem to do anything, but these two values do. Is there a reason they were left out? --Bluedanieru 22:37, 10 February 2012 (EST)